End of Podcast
Playing, editing, producing, and publishing this podcast was some of the most fun Preethi and I ever had together. We learned a lot about playing these solo campaigns, about D&D in general, about podcasting, and most significantly, how many mouth noises we make that we can’t hear but that the mic picks up and sound really gross.
We were unable to continue recording due to complications with her health that just really took all her energy. We continued playing, alone and with friends, throughout the treatment. It meant a lot to us both to keep up this essential part of ourselves and our relationship.
Preethi passed away, having fought all she could, going out on her own terms surrounded by family and friends, early in 2023. If you happen across this podcast at a later time, I am keeping it as a little memorial. And if you want to remember her in a little way, I’d be proud to hear about the adventures of any PC/NPC in your games by the name of Enriqua Vile.
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Bryce and Preethi also play Dungeons and Dragons on another podcast with our friends! If you like listening to Bryce DM follow us there for some of the silliest, craziest, and funniest sandbox adventures.
Enriqa and Lawrence make their way into the epicenter of the previous cataclysm to confront their quarry.